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What is CrossScanner?

CrossScanner is RJ Cooper's solution for individuals who cannot operate a standard mouse or trackball, but are capable of operating a single-switch. CrossScanner uses an X scan (LineScan) with a Y scan (FingerScan) to select any point on the screen - choices of Click, Double-Click, Drag, etc. are available to completely operate any Windows application. All development of CrossScanner is handled by IMG, and under license, we are able to provide IMG's OnScreen with CrossScanner.
Original ID: QC101264
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

Can I get CrossScanner without OnScreen?

Not from IMG - IMG is only licensed to sell CrossScanner with OnScreen. Since most users of CrossScanner will have the need to enter text from time to time, having OnScreen available will be very useful.
Original ID: QC101265
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

What kind of computer will OnScreen with CrossScanner run on?

Any PC Compatible computer capable of running Windows.
Original ID: QC101266
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

What kind of software will OnScreen with CrossScanner work with?

Any software that runs under Windows (and most DOS programs that can be run in a Windows DOS Shell environment).
Original ID: QC101267
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

How can OnScreen with CrossScanner work with all pointing devices and applications?

OnScreen is written at the same level as the Windows operating system. That means it runs above the pointing device and graphics drivers (it lets the device drivers do their job without creating conflicts) and runs below Windows so it doesn't compete with other applications. Unlike keys, buttons and panels created in Visual Basic, or onscreen keyboard and key panel applications that are sensitive to changes in pointing device / graphic card drivers or applications that make low level Windows calls, OnScreen is reliable and robust. That's why IMG is the only producer of onscreen keyboards and macro buttons/panels whose products are recommended or offered by major pointing device manufacturers worldwide.
Original ID: QC101268
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

How do I know OnScreen with CrossScanner will work for me?

Download our demo. IMG's demos are actually full working copies of the product. The demo has a built in timer that shuts down the program in about an hour without saving any settings (you can restart it by double-clicking on the program's Icon).
Original ID: QC101269
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner

What is OnScreen with CrossScanner?

OnScreen with CrossScanner is a highly sophisticated approach for operating a Microsoft Windows based system. By using CrossScanner and a single-switch, any point on the screen can be selected, and any mouse type operation such as clicks, double-clicks, drag, or right-clicks can be accomplished with a few switch hits. Using OnScreen and its built in features such as WordComplete, text input can be sent to any program for creating documents, e-mails, or performing simple text entry tasks, all driven by CrossScanner and the single-switch interface. With OnScreen and CrossScanner, a switch user can do anything an average user using a physical keyboard and mouse can do, enabling users who would otherwise be restricted to closed or limited environments. This opens up the entire computing universe to a single switch user.
Category: CommonType: Question/Answer Product: OnScreen with CrossScanner


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